lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2009


A menudo solemos leer en prensa como salen nuevas empresas buscando inversores. Está el caso cercano de Nueva Rumasa y me ha chocado ver una empresa del sector de las energías renovables pidiendo inversores.

El anuncio lo ví ayer en el diario el país y según entiendo compras un generador fotovoltaico con seguidor solar a dos ejes de 9,9 KW nominales por 55.000 euros + IVA.

Por el momento, este tipo de inversiones se escapa de mis posibilidades. Pero me gusta que existan este tipo de productos en el mercado.

La planta donde se ubican los aerogeneradores está situada en Cáceres.

El cartel promocional antiguo dice así:

La compañía Albiasa Solar, formada por empresarios e inversores vascos, se encuentra actualmente promoviendo la instalación de una planta fotovoltaica en la provincia de Cáceres en la que tiene previsto desarrollar una inversión de más de 60 millones de euros. Esta planta o “huerta solar” estará compuesta de tres campos solares de 3,5 MW, 2 MW y 1,5 MW cada uno y ocuparán una superficie de 90 hectáreas.

En 2009 ya se encuentran vendiendo la tercera fase.


Often we tend to read in the press as emerging new companies looking for investors. Is the New Rumasa close case and I was shocked to see a company in the renewable energy sector investors asking.

The ad I saw yesterday in the newspaper as I understand the country and buy a solar photovoltaic array with two axes follower of 9.9 KW nominal € 55,000 + VAT.

For now, this type of investment is beyond my means. But I like that there are such products on the market.

The plant where the turbines are located is located in Caceres.

The old promotional poster reads:

Solar Albiasa The company, formed by Basque entrepreneurs and investors, is currently promoting the installation of a photovoltaic plant in the province of Caceres, which plans to develop an investment of more than 60 million. This site or "solar farm" will consist of three 3.5-MW solar fields, 2 MW and 1.5 MW each and will occupy an area of 90 hectares.

In 2009 already are selling the third phase.

Residual gas analyzers

Residual gas analyzers (RGAs) are spectrometers that are used to identify the gases present in vacuum environments. Residual gas analyzers perform this function by producing ionizing molecules of the gas sample, separating the resulting mixture of ions according to their charge-to-mass ratios, providing an output signal, which is a measure of the relative species present, and counting the rate at which the ions hit the detector. The spectrometers within residual gas analyzers analyze the process by which a mixture of ionic species is separated according to the mass-to-charge ratio (m/z). The analysis may be qualitative and/or quantitative. There are two common styles of spectrometric analysis used, quadrupole and magnetic sector analysis, although there are specialized and custom designs available.

Quadrupole mass spectrometers consist of an ion source, ion optics to accelerate and focus the ions through an aperture into the quadrupole filter, the quadrupole filter itself with control voltage supplies, an exit aperture, an ion detector, detection electronics, and a high-vacuum system. The mass spectrometer operates only in a high vacuum whereas the gas it is being used to analyze is often at atmospheric pressure. To reduce the pressure the gas is sampled twice using a "double sniffer" configuration.

Oxygen analyzers sensor types

Analizadores de oxígeno hoy en día se usan varios tipos de sensores de oxígeno. Como las aplicaciones de procesos industriales requieren mejor exactitud de medición y la repetibilidad, los usuarios de los analizadores de oxígeno también están demandando los analizadores de oxígeno que requieren un mínimo de mantenimiento y calibración. Con este fin, los usuarios de los analizadores de oxígeno se animan a evaluar los méritos de un determinado tipo de sensor de oxígeno en el contexto de la aplicación para la que está destinado. No hay un tipo universal analizador de oxígeno.
La revisión sucinta de las diferentes sensores de oxígeno en fase gaseosa a continuación debe utilizarse en conjunción con la información obtenida de los fabricantes de los analizadores de oxígeno. Esta combinación ayudará a garantizar la selección del tipo de sensor adecuado para la aplicación en cuestión.

* Temperatura ambiente-Analizador de oxígeno
* Electroquímico-Analizador de oxígeno
* Analizador de oxígeno paramagnético -
* Polarográficos-Analizador de oxígeno
* Óxido de circonio-Analizador de oxígeno

este tema de los analizadores de oxígeno es realmente muy interesante y es un tema de futuro. ya que quien sabe como será el aire que respiremos el 2012. Ante la duda comoprate tu analziador de oxígeno ya mismo... los mayas no se equivocan.

Today's oxygen analyzers use one of a several types of oxygen sensors. As industrial process applications call for improved measurement accuracy and repeatability, users of oxygen analyzers are also demanding oxygen analyzers that require a minimum of maintenance and calibration. To this end, users of oxygen analyzers are encouraged to evaluate the merits of a particular oxygen sensor type in context to the application for which it is intended. There is no one universal oxygen analyzer type.
The synoptic review of the various gas phase oxygen sensors provided below should be used in conjunction with information gathered from manufacturers of oxygen analyzers. This combination will help to ensure the selection of the right sensor type for the application under consideration.

*Ambient Temperature-Oxygen Analyzer
*Electrochemical-Oxygen Analyzer
*Paramagnetic-Oxygen Analyzer
*Polarographic-Oxygen Analyzer
*Zirconium Oxide-Oxygen Analyzer

lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2009

Nevada solar One

El otro día viendo la televisión ví un documental donde se relataba como la empresa española Acciona estaba construyendo una central solar en Nevada que podía alimentar las noches luminosas de Las vegas.

Leo en la web de acciona lo siguiente:

En 2007 se conectó a red la mayor central de este tipo instalada en el mundo en los últimos 18 años -Nevada Solar One, de 64 MW, en el desierto de Nevada (EEUU)-, una central con tecnología propia de cilindros parabólicos que ha servido de base para el posicionamiento de la compañía en el sector. Supuso una inversión de 250 millones de dólares.

Me parece como si me hubieran timado. Cuando ve un documental sobre tecnología punta desea ver algo actual no algo de hace dos años. Curiosamente las cosas que explicaban en el documental como tecnología punta son prácticamente las mismas que cuando iba a la universidad a finales de los 90.

Un post eurodipity más.

Poco I+D para ese sector. Por cierto cuando acabe mis estudios mandé curriculum tanto a Acciona como a otras empresas punteras del sector tanto eólicas como solares y sigo pensando que siguen necesitando de mis servicios.

Me da risa la inversión de las empresas en nuevas ideas.


The other day watching TV I saw a documentary which tells how the Spanish company Acciona was building a solar plant in Nevada that could feed the bright nights of Las Vegas.

Leo's website operates in the following:

In 2007 was connected to the largest network of its kind installed central in the world in the last 18 years, Nevada Solar One, 64 MW in the Nevada desert (USA) - a central characteristic of parabolic trough technology has provided the basis for positioning the company in the sector. Involved an investment of $ 250 million.

I feel like I've been scammed. When you see a documentary about art not want to see something now some two years ago. Interestingly explaining things in the documentary as art are virtually the same as when I was in college in the late 90s.

Soon R & D for this sector. Of course when I finished my studies curriculum sent to both shareholders and other leading companies in both wind and solar sector and I still think that still need my services.

It makes me laugh the business investment in new ideas.

lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2009

Parque Solar Fotovoltaico de Beneixama

Parque Solar Fotovoltaico
Cuando se construyó el Parque Solar Fotovoltaico de Beneixama (Vinalopo) se convirtió en la planta solar más grande de la tierra.
Cuenta con una una superficie total de 418.515 m2, equivalente a casi 70 campos de fútbol. Su sistema está formado por 100.000 paneles solares y 200 instalaciones que desarrollan una potencia eléctrica de 20 megawatios, con una producción anual de 30.200 megawatios hora de electricidad, correspondientes al consumo energético medio de unos 12.000 hogares. Es una iniciativa de un consorcio de empresas encabezado por la firma alemana City Solar, y contará con diez profesionales para su mantenimiento. En total, la inversión para la realización de este proyecto será de 120 millones de euros y está previsto que funciona a pleno rendimiento desde el 2007.

La planta está destinada a inversores diferentes, entre las que se encuentran empresas locales como Gesfesa Energía y Eolia Mistral de Inversiones.

Se está subcontratando una gran parte de los trabajos de proyección y ejecución con empresas constructoras y despachos de ingeniería de la Comunitat Valenciana, lo que supone un incremento en la contratación de puestos de trabajo.

En el desarrollo de la ejecución de las obras trabajarán más de 120 trabajadores locales y las operaciones y mantenimiento crearán numerosos puestos de trabajo.

La central solar se va a ubicar en el norte del término municipal de Beneixama en un terreno estratégicamente orientado para obtener el mayor número de horas de sol, ocupando una superficie total de 418.514 metros cuadrados. Sólo la superficie de los paneles solares asciende a 164.340 metros cuadrados.


When they built the solar park of Beneixama (Vinalopo) became the largest solar plant on earth.

It has a total area of 418,515 m2, equivalent to nearly 70
football fields. Its 100,000 system consists of solar panels and 200
facilities that develop an electrical output of 20 megawatts, with an
annual production 30,200 megawatt hours of electricity for the average
energy consumption of 12,000 households. It is an initiative by a
consortium led by German firm Solar City, will feature ten
professionals for maintenance. A total investment for this project will
be 120 million euros and is expected to fully operational since 2007.

The plant is intended for different investors, among which are
local businesses like Gesfesa Eolia Mistral Energy and Investment.

It is outsourcing much of the design and implementation work with
construction companies and engineering offices in the Valencia, which
is an increase in contracting jobs.

In developing the implementation of the works more than 120
employees work premises and operations and maintenance will create many

The solar plant will be located in the northern town of Beneixama
on land strategically oriented to get the most hours of sun, occupying
a total area of 418,514 meters squared. Only the surface of the solar
panels amounts to 164,340 meters squared.

Valencia against corruption

Thousands of people, 50,000 according to organizers, 2,500 according to sources from the Local Police of Valencia, yesterday went to the streets of Valencia to protest against corruption and to demand "the resignation of President de la Generalitat, Francisco Camps, and all the accused and involved in the plot Gürtel ". The demonstration was called by the Collective Against Corruption and she joined various political parties and civic organizations. The organizers explained that they will mobilize "until Camps resign and call early general elections.
The mobilization, which departed from the Plaza de San Agustin, simulated a procession, as several participants carried a coffin to the sound of the funeral march and a banner that read "For the victims of corruption." Participants carried many placards put for example "Mantegürtel. President easy to spread," or five figures representing Camps, Rita Barbera, Ricardo Costa and Carlos Fabra as gürtel xoris. It was also massively and chanted repeatedly "Camps resignation", and there were allusions to the information policy of Channel 9.

The glue takes 45 minutes to go
With a massive applause from the participants left St. Augustine to St. Vincent Street, passed through Queen Square and ended in the Plaza de la Virgen. Even after the head of the procession departed, it was bringing people and tail of mobilization out of St. Augustine ended 45 minutes after he did his head.
On arrival in the company of a troupe to the Plaza de la Virgen those present heard the manifesto of the Collective Against Corruption in which noted that "we have shown that in Valencia live not only corrupt, liars and freeloaders, we have shown that are many people of Valencia and Valencia we demand ethical behavior in politics. "

Also, the organizers say that "whoever accepts and seeks a Turkish head, you are actually acknowledging their own fault. The latest statements by Ricardo Costa and their families extends liability to all echelons of the party not only confirm the evidence . The top officials can not shirk their responsibilities. "
Similarly, criticisms were launched against the policy of the Consell, which is criticized as a "shame not to live in a land where there is no unemployment, where the level of achievement is the maximum, no huts instead of classrooms, or where people in a dependent are receiving the maximum aid. The meeting ended with everyone who was in the Plaza de la Virgen bouncing to the song "corrupt that no boat"

domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2009

Volley beach

volley girls

Valencia es un magnifíco escenario para la práctica del volley playa. Temperaturas cálidas la mayor parte del año. Número de horas de sol muy abundantes y una costa repleta de playas de todos los tamaños posibles.

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