miércoles, 15 de junio de 2011

Spain’s Mediterranean Beaches

Spain’s Mediterranean Beaches
Spain’s Mediterranean Beaches
Spain’s Mediterranean Beaches

According to the Theory of Paradise, the perfect beach is an endless stretch of powdery white sand lined with coconut palms.

I’m ready to propose an alternative: The ideal beach is one that you come upon after a hilly, rocky hike over scrub-covered hills. It’s a half-moon cove of ashen sand flanked at either end by rock formations that look like giant Impressionistic sand castles. Instead of palms, occasional yellow and purple wildflowers dot the nearby hills; instead of mojitos there are mandarin oranges and níspero fruits bought at a farmer’s market; instead of warm Caribbean ripples, there is bracing Mediterranean surf to cool you down under cloudless skies. I came across just such a paradise in southeastern Spain.

Topless is avoid in Spain:
The naked body confounds and amazes most of us. Seen as a source of visual evil by puritans, the human form has inspired artists, writers, and ne'er-do-wells everywhere. Europeans are less likely than Americans to view the human body as evil--at least if the ire of the Super Bowl halftime viewers close to a phone line is any indication.
You'll see nudity at most any beach along the Mediterranean--or at least toplessness.

Nothing is better than the view of beautiful people!!! In Spain beauty is everywhere. If you are not used to the euro “topless” fashion, well….. you will get used to it in benidorm!!!!

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